Because of the smaller motherboard, it has room for one more drive – mounted on the bottom of the desktop case itself. The 233 MHz model usually comes in a similar desktop case to the 7200-7600. Macworld’s SpeedMark showed the 233 MHz is 22% faster than the 233 MHz 604e in the 9600/233.

This moved the “entry level” chip past the previous powerhouse, the 604e, even at lower clock speeds. Code compatible with the 603e, the G3 was tweaked based on the software Macintosh users ran. The PowerPC 750 (G3) CPU was the first processor designed specifically for the way Macintosh works. The Power Mac G3 comes in desktop and minitower configurations and replaces the 7300, 8600, and 9600.

It has a new motherboard with a faster system bus than earlier models, a third-generation PowerPC CPU, uses a completely different type of memory, has a different way of upgrading the CPU, and includes a personality card slot. The Beige G3 is a third-generation Power Mac.