Ultimate Unwrap 3D Pro runs under Windows 2000/XP platforms. * Runs under Windows 98SE/ME/2K/XP platforms. Pyramid, prism, tube, torus, capsule and text primitives. * Create plane, box, cone, cylinder, sphere, geosphere, * Import textures in variety of 2D graphics formats. * Plugins that allow unlimited 3D import/export functionality. * 99 level undo system by number or storage. * Auto detection of texture aspect ratio. * Select by vertex, face, group, or material.

* Fast lasso and rectangle selection tools. * Export UV maps to high resolution bitmaps. * Export UV maps as Photoshop vector layers. * Bone editor for editing bone and animation properties. * Material editor for editing material and texture properties. * 3D editing tools include triangulating, untriangulating,įlipping, welding, unwelding of vertices and faces. Mirroring, straightening, stitching, and welding of UVs. * 2D editing tools include moving, scaling, rotating, flipping, * Interactive camera, planar, cylindrical, and spherical UV mapping. * Untangle UVs to separate overlapping UV coordinates. * Pack UVs onto one texture to improve cache performance. * Relax UVs to help minimize texture distortion. * Stretch UVs for spreading out overlapping faces. * Pelt mapping for unwrapping organic models. * Unfold UVs for unfolding faces into a 2D pattern.

* Standard planar, box, cylindrical, and spherical UV mapping. * Fully OpenGL rendered viewports, with multiple layouts. * Dramatic increase in UV and vertex welding speed. * 3D Gizmo selection axis for manipulating geometry. * Display UV texture distortion and UV winding order. UVs can be locked for tools such as LSCM UVs. * Highlighted boundary edges on the 3D model. * Highlighted shared UV points and UV edges.

Select edges in the UV Editor and 3D views. It is ideal for gamers, artists, modellers, and hobbyists, and easy enough to use for all levels of computer users. It includes an easy-to-use UV coordinate editor, a standard set of UV mapping projections such as planar, box, cylindrical, and spherical, as well as advanced UV mapping projections such as face mapping, camera mapping, and unwrap faces for those difficult to map areas on a model. Ultimate Unwrap 3D is a specialty Windows tool for unwrapping 3D models.